
Showing posts from January, 2023

Parents vs YouTube - why you shouldnt choose fear and control

 I see so many posts about parental fear of YouTube.  For me YouTube offers an opportunity to  teach my child about discernment. It’s better to meet my child’s needs head on when the opportunity comes up. Rather than leave it until an undisclosed future time when it could be too late. Control is always based on fear and not healthy love. When we make choices through fear, we limit our children’s ability to discern what is good for them. By empowering our children, we teach them how to make good choices. My son knows what he likes, my son doesn’t always understand what is good for him. This presents an opportunity for me to show him the difference between what is good for him and what is not, I base it all on his own actions and feelings. This way it is self-taught When he copies inappropriate language of or does something inappropriate, I go through a conversation and actions with him something like the following: I point out the impact that language/action is having on h...