Our toxic masculine culture is harming our children - children's intuition.

Historically, we have not provided safe spaces for our children to express their intuitive feelings, their gut. This practice must not continue. Not allowing space for our children to explore and nurture their intuition harms their ability to navigate the world successfully. It teaches them to dismiss their intuition to bypass their truths. To not learn to rely on or trust what they know to be true. To rely on others when they are competent themselves. To have a means to determine the difference between what is good for them and what will harm them. Intuition is their internal support and guidance system. Without it, they are lost and alone. This is an area where our ‘sensitive’ children can shine but are often misunderstood. Misdiagnosed, labelled as difficult, seen as complicated or unreasonable. Quite often, these children see and sense things other people do not. We are all empathic. We all understand e...