Hell on earth? That’s living in your trauma

Being born into a catholic family, I attended catholic schools. My childhood was filled with imagery of heaven and hell. Jesus and miracles. Good and bad, sins and sinners. I really enjoyed the vivid imagery and stories. It really felt like there was a rich history and it had all the answers. That’s until I reached the age when I started to question everything. Then I found the holes. The gaps, the questions that had no answers. When I asked the questions I was given made up answers. No one to,d me that they just didn’t know. I saw through this and the world changed. There were no answers. I spent the next 3 decades looking for answers. I looked everywhere. I asked the Muslims, the Sikh’s, the Hindus, the Buddhist’s, all with the same result. No one had an answer to my questions. It wasn’t until in my mid-40s, I began to heal the relationship with my soul. Then the answers started to come. Answers to all my questions, who I was, why I was here. Why we are all here and what we’re ...