
Showing posts from March, 2023

Hell on earth? That’s living in your trauma

  Being born into a catholic family, I attended catholic schools. My childhood was filled with imagery of heaven and hell. Jesus and miracles. Good and bad, sins and sinners. I really enjoyed the vivid imagery and stories. It really felt like there was a rich history and it had all the answers. That’s until I reached the age when I started to question everything. Then I found the holes. The gaps, the questions that had no answers. When I asked the questions I was given made up answers. No one to,d me that they just didn’t know. I saw through this and the world changed. There were no answers. I spent the next 3 decades looking for answers. I looked everywhere. I asked the Muslims, the Sikh’s, the Hindus, the Buddhist’s, all with the same result. No one had an answer to my questions. It wasn’t until in my mid-40s, I began to heal the relationship with my soul. Then the answers started to come. Answers to all my questions, who I was, why I was here. Why we are all here and what we’re ...
The alchemy of success - There’s magic in self belief   Alchemy is about turning the negative into positive. It’s about taking all of your energy and utilising it for the benefit of you. How long do you spend procrastinating? How long do your spend worrying? How long do you spend doubting? It’s all a waste of your energy. Changing it can be easier said than done though right? I can be done though.   It’s all about what you believe. Most of it doesn’t even happen on a conscious level so all the work, self development, positive thinking. That stuff can only take you so far. The real change comes when you work on the stuff under the conscious level. The subconscious. What you have been taught. What you learned. What you have been programmed with.   You need to reprogrammed at an operating level. Your os has corrupt data embedded in the source code. How does this corruption occur? There are many different ways but generally there has been an event that allowed the you to view...

How to find love - a spiritual perspective

How to find love - a spiritual perspective   It’s about building daily/regular routines into your life that help you realise your dreams.   It’s not about hard routines that you must endure no matter the cost. It’s about looking after yourself, doing what you can, when you can. Ensuring that at the heart of all of your decisions, is what’s best for you. Can I miss a day? Yes, can I miss a week? Yes. Why? Because it’s about the bigger picture and the bigger picture is you. Your mental health, your emotional health, your physical health are the foundations of your spiritual health. They must come before anything else. Are you rested enough? Are you sleeping enough? Are you eating good food that your body needs? Are you spending enough your time on you?   There have been many philosopher’s throughout time that have had many approaches to success but we cannot rely on what happened hundreds or thousands of years ago. Why? Because their out of date. They were relevant for the ...

Dairy of a Home Schooling Dad: What i have learned from my 1st year

  This has been a huge year in my life, the most difficult and challenging year I can remember .  After 20 years of work I needed to take time out to home school my kids. What did I learn?   You can only support them as far as you are able to support yourself. The biggest lesson I learned is that children are more in need of understanding who they are, emotionally and mentally. I thought academics would be the challenge but it was learning how to teach my children about who they are over algebra or phonetics.   I needed to be more in every way. I thought the challenges would be academic. The real challenges were emotional and mental. For me and for them. We all had to transition to a new way of being. I had to ‘ unschool’ myself from my work based mindset. Where value is measured by productivity. To a more supportive and adaptive role. Where I thought I was patient and flexible I found out I need more. There was good value in putting in structure but I found the stru...