The alchemy of success - There’s magic in self belief


Alchemy is about turning the negative into positive. It’s about taking all of your energy and utilising it for the benefit of you. How long do you spend procrastinating? How long do your spend worrying? How long do you spend doubting? It’s all a waste of your energy. Changing it can be easier said than done though right? I can be done though.


It’s all about what you believe. Most of it doesn’t even happen on a conscious level so all the work, self development, positive thinking. That stuff can only take you so far. The real change comes when you work on the stuff under the conscious level. The subconscious. What you have been taught. What you learned. What you have been programmed with.


You need to reprogrammed at an operating level. Your os has corrupt data embedded in the source code. How does this corruption occur? There are many different ways but generally there has been an event that allowed the you to view something in a negative way and you held onto that view point. You need to dig in, search out that event and clean it up. See it for what it really is. What really happened? What made you think the way you do? Why is it reoccurring in your life, time and time again.


This is the alchemy of success. The bits and pieces that make up you. 


If we take out all of the little blockers your energy will flow and your success will grow:


Relationship success

Career success

Health success


Whichever area you need the success, thats the area that will grow.


The universe loves you and wants you to be successful. Stop making it complicated 💫


Whatever you do with your energy today, follow it’s flow 💫🙏🏽🕺🪩

#alchemy #flow #goodvibes #selflove #vibrantions #frequency #fear #lightworker #starseed #kids #parents #success #selfdevelopment #shadowwork


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