Fathers! Children hold a mirror up to you and it gets ugly!
Fathers! Children hold a mirror up to you and it gets ugly!
It’s perhaps the most unwanted but needed gift of parenting
When you become a parent your life changes
The father's perspective is different from a mothers
A mother feels this as the child grows inside and forms attachments
The father doesn’t get to experience this
I can only speak from my perspective as a father
Fatherhood doesn’t dawn until the day your child appears
You know your child is coming beforehand
You try to prepare
The truth is you simply have no idea
The moment your first child is born
The moment you first touch them
The first time they look at you and recognise you
The world changes
One day you are single, do what you want, go where you want, when you want
The next day you are responsible for a life
A life fully dependent on you ‘being’ there
This is a revolution in your life
The dawn of a new era
The beginning of adulthood
The beginning of responsibility
The beginning of a new you
You will fall short
Your ego will not like it
You will be forced to change
You will not like all of it
There’s a honeymoon period of pure bliss
As your child grows, and probes and looks for growth, answers, understanding, knowledge
They look to you
You will not have all the answers
Most of the answers are beyond you
You will be forced to grow or you will be miserable
They will show you all of your faults
All of your weaknesses
All of the parts of you, you try to hide from
They will discover your hidden self
They will force it into the light
No one likes this and we all respond in different ways
Some run and hide
Some refuse to change
All get angry and frustrated
How you handle this will determine not only who you are
It will determine who they become
This is the only real choice you ever need to make for your children
Chose to hide or grow
If you choose to grow you will be grateful
If you choose to grow you will become the best version of you
If you chose to grow they will be grateful
Everyone they ever meet will be grateful
Everyone in your world will be grateful
Not all of them will thank you
It’s not about thanks
It’s about growing, loving and learning
Learning with them is the best thing I ever did
They are the best teachers I have ever had
They will love you for you like no one else
Embrace it with grace
It’s the best adventure
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