
Showing posts from May, 2023

Authentic men can be fearless modern warriors

Modern men can still be warriors Modern male warriors are spiritually connected Have learned to balance their feminine and masculine sides Male strength is about creating safe spaces filled with patience, love and support Men can still be warriors We don't need to fight to prove ourselves Strength comes from caring Strength comes from fearlessly facing life challenges Success is measured in mental health, emotional wealth and physical wellbeing These are the pillars of the modern male warrior Financial success follows personal awareness Personal success follows self-worth Relationship success follows self-care The true way of the warrior is caring and kindness Being firm and fair Being open and listening Modern men can be modern warriors #fearless #growth #growthmindset #modernman #dad #men #menshealth #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #mens

Children are fun loving and love life, so what goes wrong?

Somehow along the way from childhood to adulthood, we let that slip We let it become distorted and twisted Adulthood becomes filled with stress and strain With mortgages and unloved jobs With arguments, fights and broken relationships Hurt and pain We start to be silent When we are children we are taught to ignore the parts of ourselves that make us unique The parts of ourselves that create our gifts Our unique perspective on this life This builds over the years By the time we reach our 40s the world of our childhood is a distant memory We have become shadows of our former selves We look for change and it's hard We see the world for what it is and what it should have been We are crippled by years of fear from unfulfilled needs We are twisted because we never got what we truly wanted Children instinctively know life is a playground Life is meant to be filled with fun and adventure Adventure for the heart and the soul Adventuring with fun and joy The existence of love for self, love ...

Fathers! Children hold a mirror up to you and it gets ugly!

  Fathers! Children hold a mirror up to you and it gets ugly! It’s perhaps the most unwanted but needed gift of parenting When you become a parent your life changes The father's perspective is different from a mothers A mother feels this as the child grows inside and forms attachments The father doesn’t get to experience this I can only speak from my perspective as a father Fatherhood doesn’t dawn until the day your child appears You know your child is coming beforehand You try to prepare The truth is you simply have no idea The moment your first child is born The moment you first touch them The first time they look at you and recognise you The world changes One day you are single, do what you want, go where you want, when you want The next day you are responsible for a life A life fully dependent on you ‘being’ there This is a revolution in your life The dawn of a new era The beginning of adulthood The beginning of responsibility The beginning of a new you You will fall short Your...