Children are fun loving and love life, so what goes wrong?
Somehow along the way from childhood to adulthood, we let that slip
We let it become distorted and twisted
Adulthood becomes filled with stress and strain
With mortgages and unloved jobs
With arguments, fights and broken relationships
Hurt and pain
We start to be silent
When we are children we are taught to ignore the parts of ourselves that make us unique
The parts of ourselves that create our gifts
Our unique perspective on this life
This builds over the years
By the time we reach our 40s the world of our childhood is a distant memory
We have become shadows of our former selves
We look for change and it's hard
We see the world for what it is and what it should have been
We are crippled by years of fear from unfulfilled needs
We are twisted because we never got what we truly wanted
Children instinctively know life is a playground
Life is meant to be filled with fun and adventure
Adventure for the heart and the soul
Adventuring with fun and joy
The existence of love for self, love for each other
Life is meant to fulfil and enrich
Life is not just about pain
We can learn our best lessons from love
Children should never be asked to let go of fun
Never be told to grow up
Responsibility is not about letting go of fun
It's about being responsible and having fun
I want to teach my children how to enjoy this life
Yes there will be pain but mostly there will be fun
There will be more joy than heartache
There will be more laughter than tears
People will love you and you will love them
You can get lost but you will never be alone
You should love yourself as you are the most important person in your world
Love is all they need
A love of self and love of others
The universe will reward your love with more love
As long as they stay connected to who they are
They will find life to be the adventure they dream
It's only when we lose our connection to who we are that we become lost
They are their own guidance
They can navigate from their own truths
I am but a tour guide showing them the sites
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