Our children have talents - how do we find and nurture these gifts?
Every child is born with talents and gifts – how do we find and nurture them?
The challenge for parents is to help them rediscover what gifts they have and what to do with them.
We all have something to offer. We all have a unique perspective. There are 8 billion people on this ball of rock flying through the cosmos, each with a different perspective on life. We each have slightly different experiences every single day. We each have an opinion on everything. Some opinions we share, some we don’t. We each believe in slightly different variations on everything. At the very least we each offer a different piece of the puzzle that is life. If we all took the time to learn and understand ourselves that would be an 8-billion-piece jigsaw on life that we could put together.
By any standards 8 billion pieces of information is a lot of information on any given subject. Collectively we have a huge understanding on what life is all about. The problem is that most people never get the opportunity to learn who they are and how to share that with the rest of the world.
We are not born into a world where we are being taught about who we are, why we are here and what we can do with the gifts we brought with us.
Why? Because before now no one knew how to define your purpose. How to understand where and how to find your purpose. Instead, for tens of thousands of years we have been fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out who we are and why we are here. In this time our ‘leaders’ have taken advantage of this and never introduced process and frameworks to help us figure this out either. Instead, we have been introduced to processes and frameworks that allow for a tiny majority of people to live the top of a social economic pyramid where 99% do all the work and 1% live of the cream of that labour. How do we change that? Knowledge of self!
Knowledge of self is the vehicle by which we can achieve our dream life.
Knowledge of who we are is the starting point to understanding what decision are best for us. Once we start making decision that are best for us, we start to create our own path to our dreams and not someone else’s. Once you are on this road there are still lots of other things to learn but you are not making mistakes anymore, you are learning, building, creating and growing as a person. Like a seed that is planted. You nurture it and eventually it bears the fruit. Only to begin the cycle again, if we have tended the plant with love and care.
This is the same for children. We need to be teaching them how to understand who they are and why they are here. That is only possible if you too understand who you are and why you are here. The reason parents are there is to help children understand why they are here, they can then build on this knowledge of self to create self-actualising lives. Simple right?
Top 5 ways to help your children develop knowledge of self.
Create safe spaces for:
1. Personal health and hygiene
2. Mental health – listening to themselves and being heard
3. Emotional health – understanding our/others feelings
4. Physical health – listening to our bodies
5. Personal boundaries – where do I begin and end
Though I say these should be practiced daily the reality is that they can be practiced regularly. If we start adding these practices into our daily routines one at a time, eventually we would have them all integrated into our daily lives. For children this means that by the time they become adult this is an ingrained part of their lives. They have been grounded in the discipline of self-care and knowledge of self.
Listening to ourselves is the only way to discover who we are and why we are here.
It’s more a matter of blocking out the noise so we can hear ourselves. As adults we are often distracted by all the things, we have to do in order to set aside the time to listen to ourselves. That’s not to say it’s not possible, it is but it makes much more sense to start this practice as a child. Children have the time and space to really integrate these activities before they mature.
Take the time to build these activities into your or your children daily routines. The rewards by far out strip the time and effort you will put into creating them. The key is self-discipline and consistency. Even if you start at once a week, once a month, once a year! The starting is more important than not starting. Don’t give yourself a hard time if you forget. Just pick it up when you can.
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#parenting #parents #talent #gifts #parentingtips #mentalhealth #emotionalawareness #starseed #lightworker #wellbeing #selfcare #selflove #family #education #selfdevelopment
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