Divine masculine power is a trigger for the toxic feminine

Most women want to see the divine masculine but don't always like it or know what to do with it. It's a trigger. The divine masculine shines a light on the toxic feminine. This is often a part of the female shadow she is not prepared to face. It's only through the repeated exposure to the divine masculine but most importantly the desire for change, real change. That growth is possible in relationships.

This in part is because women are not used to seeing the divine masculine and have, as a result, created a shadow self to survive. This shadow self is, in part, dependent on several things. Was your mother a person who stood in her divine feminine power? She formed your template for being a woman so if she did then you are one of the lucky ones as most were not offered this opportunity. Did your father stand in his divine masculine? He formed your template for men. If you were very lucky you had both parents standing in their divine powers. With their shadows serving them rather than controlling them.

Most of us did not have this. We saw glimpses of the divine in our parents but they were never able to fully stand in the divine powers. Mainly because they were never taught or aware of what this is. The main difference now is that we do. The main challenge to this is there is work to do. No one has done this type of work before so there is a lot undone.

What our world wants to see more of, is our divine powers. The divine masculine is creation energy that forms half of the creation energy of the universe (the other half is the divine feminine). Most men do not know how to tap into this energy as it has been denied them for generations. Not many men have been taught how to stand in their power of creation healthily. A healthy way for themselves and the people they love. Men have been systematically taught to suppress their power. To stand down and suppress. To relinquish their power to ‘authority’. This authority has then utilised the power of the divine masculine to create a world of their choosing. A distorted version of reality that sits more in the toxic than the divine.

A divine masculine is one of the most beautiful things to see. The world needs to see this more. Women need to see this more. Children need to see this more. Most importantly, men need to feel this more. This requires a heroic effort to stop suppressing and begin expressing. Men are taught to suppress their emotions. It starts as soon as you are born. Men are ‘taught’  how to behave, as men. Tribal, roaming, aggressive, protective, pack hunting or lone wolfing. Emotions do not make you weak. Suppression of emotions makes you weak. Suppression creates blockages. It takes a lot of effort to unblock any blockage. Especially when you have not been taught the skills to unblock or manage real emotions. When you have not been allowed to express yourself because of social pressure to conform to outdated attitudes.

We need to see more divine masculine roaming this earth. Men who express rather than suppress. Men who are connected to their emotions and own them. Warriors who are willing to face the challenge of their shadows and do the work. Gladiators who are taking the fight to their toxic traits. That is where the real battles are to be fought and lost. Understand the pursuit of success comes from the battles within not the battles without. You need to win dominion over yourself before you can ever hope to achieve the successes you desire out in the world.

In a space where the divine masculine is present. We create a safe space for the divine feminine to flourish. That is our true role as protectors. Protectors of safe spaces. We create a safe space for the divine masculine in our children. We create abundance and growth for ourselves and everyone around us. The world needs more divinely connected men. Men who have fought to reestablish a connection with self. Men who have healed. Men who stand in their power as men and do what men are here to do. We all have our part to play. Male power is one of the most powerful forces in the known universe. Get to know yourself, learn what power really means and see the joy this brings to yourself and everyone you care about.

It's worth the effort. We are men, we are warriors, we are the salvation of this world, our children and most importantly, ourselves.


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