Learn how to be self confident

The real work happens on a subconscious level. 

You need to release the trauma and work on reprogramming, your thoughts, emotions and actions. 

The good news, you can do a lot of this yourself. I had a coach help me through the tough bits and together we created routines to embed new frameworks and techniques. Roughly speaking any changes take 2 to 4 works to embed. So having daily or regular practice will be difficult for the first month but after this the routines begin to embed and become habitual. After a month or so you don’t even notice that they have become part of your daily practice. What started out as challenging becomes routine. The benefit of applying a little energy at the start, over the years, will guarantee life changing results. 

If you are thinking of who it could work for you. Here a quick breakdown of some of the process and frameworks you can focus on:

Review your internal dialogue - how you speak to yourself determines how you view the world

Be honest with yourself - hiding causes trauma, being honest creates growth

Learn various meditation techniques - there should only be one voice inside your head, the voice that wants what’s best for you

Have daily self care routines for emotions, thoughts and listening to your body

Stop taking stimulants - alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, recreational or psychedelic drugs - they create false emotions and thoughts

Reduce the negativity - reduce the amount of media you read or watch - your world is determined by where you focus your energy, focus on negative things attracts negativity

Exercise regularly - walking, yoga, swimming anything goes - taking care of your body

Practice gratitude - helps combat depression, stress and loneliness

Learn to love yourself more - reviewing habits to see where you could be kinder to yourself

Create words of affirmation to help support your efforts - you are what you think

Work on unresolved trauma - you going to need to be ok with crying this out. Your body will need to release this.

Be prepared for emotions surfacing - you can get angry, annoyed or sad so having a way to express this healthily is crucial so you don’t fall into a shame spiral

Any work on the subconscious level is complex and everything is intertwined and interconnected. Let’s not fool ourselves, your mind is the most sophisticated piece of software in the known universe. Rewriting this should not be easy. Pulling on one string can and will release a ball of emotions, thoughts, feelings and memories. There’s a reason you have repressed trauma so always remember to be kind to yourself.

Working through trauma can be painful and upsetting but it passes. Always remember whatever you are feeling passes. Extreme trauma holds extreme emotions so be good to yourself. Ask for help if you need it.

The key to building or creating is that you have to tear down what was there before and replace it with something that works for you not against you. Something that represent the real you.

This is not for the faint of heart but if you want the best life you can have then your going to have to put in the work. Rest assured, this is something you will never regret.


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