Why life sometimes feels like a prison (prison planet) - a spiritual perspective

You are trapped by your emotions. It's true, I know how this can sound.

Life is a journey and every journey has traumatic emotional experiences. Each of these experiences has the potential to trap you. If you do not navigate the situation successfully you stop at that point emotionally, each of these events has a resonance. An emotional resonance and you cannot move past it until you resolve the emotional resonance.

This is how your life can feel like you are in a loop.

Why does this keep happening to me? Sound familiar?

You are continuously reliving and replaying the same emotional loop. The universe loves you. I know at times this seems hard to believe but it does. It loves you so much, it's cheering for you, rooting for you. It created a space in this universe just for you. It doesn't want to you fail, it wants you to grow, learn and achieve your dreams. So it is willing to provide you intimate opportunities to resolve your trauma. It will loop you over and over again, it will present a variety of similar situations from multiple areas of your life to help guide you through. You see this as a loop. The universe sees it as unconditional love. Your role is to recognise the loop and learn from it. Once you understand it, you can move on.

When you don't move past the event emotionally this builds up over time, becoming trauma. This trauma resonates throughout all of your life, your decisions and your dreams. It becomes fear, frustration and ultimately anger. It becomes more and more suppressed. Buried under each unresolved reoccurrence of the event.

Eventually, this needs an outlet, it comes to the surface, often in an explosive or uncontrolled way. There is only so much you can hold. Your body is not infinite and emotions are often held there.

If you want to learn how to manage this, if you want to find a way to move forward, you need to resolve the issue by understanding the root cause. When did this begin? It gets tricky when the root cause is generational trauma passed from parents. You see, we pass on our trauma through the generations. Not intentionally but subconsciously. This can mean your current life issues may not be of your own making. There are other potential causes such as past life or outside influence and interference. If something is challenging it often comes from there.

If you feel you don't have the skills to navigate it successfully on your own, this is where someone like me can help.  Don't be too harsh on yourself if you can't do it alone. No one taught you, no one taught your parents, no one taught their parents etc where could you possibly learn?

Our world is ascending and as we ascend more knowledge becomes available. So don't be too hard on your parents as not many people had the skills to help them either. 

Want to move forward in your life? Feel like you are stuck? Can't quite reach the place you should be?

This is how you get there. Know your mind, know your body, know your emotions understand your purpose. This is the key to breaking free from the prison life sometimes feels like.

Thank you for reading, hope this helped you move forward.

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